Mastodon, here I come

I made the leap to Mastodon, the open-source social networking application. By "leap" I mean I am one in the herd who have left Twitter. In all honesty, I only just joined Twitter less than a year ago. For years I refrained, not wanting to join and feed yet another online thing. It was the Ukraine war that pulled me in. Then I started adding authors. Quickly I came to like Twitter. Then Musk came along. I'm a fan of what he has done with SpaceX. Huge fan. But what he has done/is doing to Twitter is alarming, reckless and flat out bizarre. As a former CEO of a tiny tech company for 28 years, I just can't wrap my head around how badly he has handled this. Putting Trump to a Twitter vote was the last straw for me. You either have company policy or you don't. Putting it to a public 'vote' was peak bizarre. When there is no consistency with occasional mob rule, I'm out. I get that Musk can do what he wants. Also, there is no free speech within a corporate-run app. We all sign up for that. But I also can choose to reject what they are selling me, and I'm doing so with Twitter.

As a side-note, I'm a big fan of open-source applications. For decades I leveraged open source tools for development. Thrilled to see Mastodon's growth - and holding my breath it can keep up with the surge.

If you want to find me there:


Scratch building